External storage services integration

Neptune DXP’s provision of a private relational database holding structured data is likely to address a wide range of needs. When specialised data needs emerge, Neptune DXP can be integrated with your purpose-built storage type of choice using the REST API Designer. By onboarding a REST API able to interface with the data storage service you can engineer access to external data storage services, such as:

  • Relational Databases, for access to structured data sitting outside your private Neptune DXP database.

  • Unstructured Databases for access to unnormalized data addressing specific use cases.

Alternatively, if the storage service provides a NodeJS client library it could be accessed through the script.

External relational databases

If you need strict separation of concerns between Neptune DXP’s own and your business data, you can use the TypeORM framework in Neptune DXP server scripts to programmatically access additional relational databases. Connections can be established to on-premise or managed cloud services with the following supported databases (and associated cloud managed services):

Amazon RDS Microsoft Azure Cloud Google Cloud






managed service

managed service

managed service

SQL Server

managed service

managed service

managed service


managed service

managed service

managed service


managed service

managed service

on compute engine only


managed service

managed service

managed service


managed service

managed service

on compute engine only





You can initiate access through a single TypeORM connection for all databases or through dedicated connections. Typical use cases could direct access to backend databases used by ERP, CRM or ECommerce systems, supplementary databases holding proprietary data (for example, customer reviews, context, product information, footfall metrics, logs etc. not held in a COTS application).

External unstructured databases

Neptune DXP native NoSQL support

Neptune DXP provides native support through the TypeORM library for MongoDB. All you need is to establish a connection to an on-premise or managed cloud service and utilise the built-in library to master or query data. Support for MongoDB is well provided for by established cloud services such as:

API Driven datastore’s

For specialised workloads you can utilise a range of databases services with the proviso that they publish:

  • REST API compatible with the OpenAPI specification allowing to import or define the data service’s API to access its functions

  • NodeJS client library allowing you to establish a connection and interact with the datastore.

Below are examples of the most common types of storage services along with mainstream implementations covered with multiple NodeJS libraries and/or REST APIs implementations available through the public domain either on a free open source basis or as a paid managed service:

Typical use cases Popular implementations


session data


Object Storage

documents, digital assets, data lakes

AWS S3 or Microsoft Azure Blob

File Storage

text-based/office data files

AWS EFS or Microsoft Azure Files

Key-Value Stores

in-memory caching

Redis or Memcached


sensor data, messaging, eCommerce, personalisation engines

Google Big Table, Cassandra

Graph Database

fraud detection, social networking, review engines



IoT, logging, telemetry

InfluxDB, TimescaleDB

Ledger Database

blockchain, distributed systems of record

Hyperledger, AWS QLDB


wide-ranging combinations of the above

AWS DynamoDB