
Activity Log

For audibility and transparency, you can consult the activity log, which keeps track of important operations related to your Managed Environment (e.g., start, stop, scaling, domain added, and others).

Application Log

Any application logs from the replicas is aggregated in the application log view which allows you to consult all application logs up to 30 days ago.


By default, each Managed Environment gets assigned its own URL under the *.neptune-software.cloud domain. You can configure any number of additional domains. There are 2 requirements for this:

  1. You must own the domain you want to use, meaning you can configure DNS records for a given domain.

  2. We only allow HTTPS traffic. Therefore you must have an SSL/TLS Certificate and Private Key to configure a custom domain.

Experimental Features

Features annotated in the portal with the "(experimental)" label are new features that are still undergoing heavy experimenting, development, design, and can be modified or removed without notice.

High Availability

When any replica of an Managed Environment dies, we automatically start a new replica to replace the one that died.


Via the monitoring feature you can monitor your CPU, Memory and Database usage.


You can provision a new Managed Environment on-demand, fully self-serviced, and customized based on your needs. It is possible to choose a specific version of DXP Open Edition. The list of supported versions does change over time and is limited for technical reasons. The latest supported versions can be found during the provision and upgrade process of an Managed Environment.

Preview Features

Features annotated in the portal with the "(Preview)" label are new features that are still undergoing development and improvement but considered stable enough for usage. The "(Preview)" label is removed once the feature reaches full maturity.

Restore Database

We offer a Point-In-Time restoration of the database up to 7 days back in time.

Don’t restore your database back to a point in time before doing an Open Edition version upgrade. This can cause the DXP Open Edition Managed Environment to misbehave.


Provisioned Managed Environments can be scaled horizontally (increase/decrease replica size) and vertically (increase/decrease the compute SKU type).

The underlying database can be scaled independently from your Managed Environment. This allows you to scale your setup based on your needs.

  • Is your solution data-intensive? Scale your database (Database SKU).

  • Is your solution compute-intensive? Scale your Managed Environment (Compute SKU).


You can schedule a daily shutdown time for your Managed Environment. Ideal for sandbox Managed Environment that you don’t use daily but might forget to shut down to save costs.

More advanced scheduling features are being developed.


An Managed Environment can be stopped at any given time and resumed at a later stage to save money. This is ideal for development and test Managed Environment that might not require being up and running 24/7.

When you stop an Managed Environment using Azure SQL as a database, we scale the DB SKU to its minimum. This means there is still a baseline cost to keep the database idle when you stopped an Managed Environment. This is not the case when using SQLite as a database. This means that the cost of the S0 SKU is charged in a "stopped" state.


After you provision an Managed Environment with a specific DXP Open Edition version, you can upgrade to a newer version on-demand. This will cause some downtime during the upgrade process of your Managed Environment.

No downgrades are supported at this point.