AppCache Monitor

NEPTUNE_APPCACHE_MONITOR is a Neptune application which gives very useful information about the cache usage, including:

  • Total amount of data saved in LocalStorage and SQLite database (header section)

  • When running inside Neptune Launchpad → Apps that were loaded into cache (APPLID, description, last modification date and time)

  • Models saved in LocalStorage (Name and size)

  • Models saved in SQLite database (Name and size)

appcache monitor 0


There are three ways to run it


Standalone, using Neptune Application Designer (NAD).

appcache monitor 1


At the Cockpit, create a Tile for it and add it to your Neptune launchpad.

appcache monitor 2


At runtime, inside your desktop launchpad, execute in the browser’s console:

Remember to choose on the Refresh button to ensure you display the latest status of your cache