RFC Mapping
RFC is a mechanism that allows business applications to communicate and exchange information (in pre-defined formats) with other systems. RFC stands for 'Remote Function Call'
RFC Mappings for RFC Destinations are typically used in QA and production environments to avoid changing the RFC destinations specified in the App settings.
Neptune Applications run on a front-end server (for example a GW system) while the data is in a back-end server (for example an ECC system). In Neptune Application Designer settings, RFC Destinations are used to call the class from the backend system which handles the Application Logic. The front-end system might have a 2-tier (DEV -→ PROD) landscape or a 3-tier (DEV -→ QA -→ PROD) landscape. Similarly, the backend system will surely have multi-tier landscape.
In the development phase, the RFC Destinations used by the Neptune Apps will point to ECC-DEV (backend development system). When the Apps are moved to QA, the RFC Destinations should then point to ECC-QA instead, and the same should apply when moving the app to Production.
In this Cockpit tab, a list of RFC mappings can be maintained for the current system. For instance, if you are running your Neptune App in GW-QA system, mappings should be done in GW-QA system.
DEV100 – ECC-Development (This is set as the RFC Destination in the App settings). In the development system, no RFC Destination needs to be defined in RFC Destinations in the Cockpit.
QA100 – ECC-Quality
The entry below should be added in GW-QA System:

General Properties
RFC Destination field explanation:
Destination in App: Name of the RFC Destination that is specified in App settings in NAD.
Mapped to: Name of the RFC Destination that should be used instead for the current system.
Description: Brief description of the destination to be used (i.e. "ECC QA system")