DXP23.10.0002 Apps With Deleted Controls

Find applications using deprecated and deleted UI5 controls.

UI5 controls will sometimes become deprecated and will eventually be removed from the SAPUI5 libraries.

Find and replace deprecated and deleted UI5 controls in applications


  • The report /NEPTUNE/INSTALLATION_CHECK has been run and a message about any number of applications using deleted UI5 controls has been displayed.


  1. In the Cockpit, go to Development and click Apps With Deleted Controls.

    Result: The table of applications using one or more deprecated or deleted UI5 controls opens.

  2. Click any row.

    Result: The List page with deleted or deprecated UI5 controls for that application opens.

  3. Click any row.

    Result: The Neptune App Designer opens the respective application with the specific deprecated or deleted UI5 control selected.

  4. In the App Designer, go into Edit Mode.

  5. In the UI object pane, click the UI5 Control Help button.

  6. In the documentation of the deprecated UI5 control, check if the UI5 control has been replaced with another UI5 control.

  7. In the application tree, replace the deprecated or deleted UI5 control with the recommended UI5 control.

  8. Save and activate.


  • You’ve replaced a deprecated or deleted UI5 control with a working replacement.