Lock Entries

A lock mechanism prevents that artifacts are changed simultaneously. This can happen when different users are working on the same artifact at the same time or the system performs an update.

Artifacts can be locked for the following reasons:

  • A user starts editing an artifact.

  • Artifacts are updated by the system.

When an artifact is locked, other users can access the artifact in display mode only.

A lock is removed after the user releases the artifact. If a user does not return to display mode but simply closes the browser window, the lock is still active in the system preventing others from opening the artifact in edit mode. In these situations, you can remove the lock manually.

Only remove lock entries that are no longer valid and can be deleted without disrupting an active process, such as a user session or an update. Removing a valid lock can result in data loss or inconsistencies.

Locks set by the update function are maintained by the system until the change has been processed or terminated prematurely. If a problem is preventing the update, the locks that were generated by the update block the system.

View lock entries

The Lock entries shows a list of active locks, providing the following information:


The name of the tool the lock was created for.

Object ID

The ID of the artifact the lock was created for.

Created on

Date and time when the lock was created.

Created by

The name of the user who created the lock.

lock entries example