Global Search

The Neptune frontend is based on the SAPUI5 HTML5 framework. All HTML tags are generated by the framework, so frontend coding is done purely in JavaScript & CSS.

It’s vital that you developers can search and find code used in any corner of the Neptune platform. In the Neptune Cockpit, you’ll find the Global Search, where you can search for JavaScript code and CSS markup.

Development -> Tools -> Global Search

Choose if the search should be performed in JavaScript or CSS code, or both. In addition to the JavaScript or CSS search term, you can narrow down the search result by "ID" and "Updated By". All searches are done using wildcard and the search is case-insensitive. carrid will return the same search result as CARRID.

global search view

Search locations

Searching for JavaScript is performed in applications, launchpads, mobile clients, and enhancements.

Neptune Applications

Script code blocks (JavaScript):

global search script code

Event multi line code blocks (JavaScript):

global search multi line code

Event single line code (JavaScript):

global search event single line

Expression binding (JavaScript):

global search expression binding

Header (JavaScript & CSS):

global search header

Embedded HTML (JavaScript & CSS):

global search embeded HTML

Stylesheet (CSS):

global search CSS

StyleClass attribute (CSS):

global search styleclass

Launchpads and Mobile Clients

JavaScript code in the launchpad header section, but only JavaScript and CSS style, not HTML tags.

global search launchpad

Mobile Clients

JavaScript code added in the custom authentication configuration.

global search mobile client


All enhancement spots that can include JavaScript:

global search enhancements


Custom CSS code in layouts:

global search layout

Login Page Designer

Custom CSS:

global search login page

Enter your search terms and press the "ENTER" key or click the "Run" button. All searches are done using wildcards: CARRID ⇒ CARRID. Spaces are also treated as wildcards: carrid getvalue ⇒ carrid*getvalue

global search perform search

Expand the search result you want to inspect further, click on the code button to open the code view:

global search code view

You can choose to open the code window to the right or at the bottom:

global search code window

You can choose which fields you want to show in the search result, the setting will be saved in SAP and restored the next time you open Global Search:

global search result