Define reading and writing rights for a database table

In this topic, you learn how to assign the right to read and edit database tables to certain roles.

Role Read

Users with the role Read can retrieve the data from the database table but not edit it.

Role Write

Users with the role Write can both retrieve and edit data from the database table.



  1. In the Cockpit, go to Tools and click Table Definition.

  2. Click the database table for which you want to define reading and/or writing rights.

    Result: The Table Definition configuration window opens.

  3. Navigate to one of two tabs:

    1. If you want to add a role with reading rights, navigate to the Role Read tab.

    2. If you want to add a role with writing rights, navigate to the Role Write tab.

  4. If you are in display mode, click Edit.

  5. Click + Add on the table toolbar.

    Result: The Role dialog opens.

  6. Select one or more roles that you want to give reading or writing rights to.

  7. Click Select.

    Result: The roles you selected are added to the table.

  8. Click Save.


  • You have defined reading or writing rights for a database table.