Types of proxy authentication

The following shows an overview of available proxy authentication types.

To see how these types are entered, see Add a new authentication method


The Basic type requires a Username and a Password as authentication method.

Client Certificate

Client Certificate enables you to provide a certificate for authentication to the remote server. Certificates are created in the service Certificates.

oAuth 2.0

By using the oAuth 2.0 authorization framework, you can grant your own applications limited access to your APIs on behalf of the application itself.

Enter the Logon URL and the Name and Value of your corresponding oAuth token.

Neptune DXP - Open Edition User Token (JWT)

You can use a json web token (JWT) for authentication.

Enter the name of the token in JWT Secret. You can also enter the name of the Issuer, specify the Audience and include roles and groups.


You can use the x.509 method for authentication. This is the SAP principal propagation method.

Sign With

Choose a certificate to sign-in to a SAP system. Certificates are created in the service Certificates.

Assign user field to CN

Method by which a user is assigned to the common network (CN). It is recommended to use username but you can also use email.

Organization (O)

Name of the organization.

Organizational Unit (OU)

Name of the organizational unit.

Locality or city (L)

Name of the locality or city.

State or Province (S)

Name of the state or province.

Country Name ©

Name of the country