Use connectors in the App Designer
In this topic, you learn how to use a connector in the App Designer.
Using the Connectors in the App Designer, offers users a range of choices for seamlessly integrating data sources into their applications.
You have created a connector.
In the App Designer, create a new application using the Full Screen Template.
Result: You have created an application.
Drag a Table component in the Page of the application.
Drag the connector component and a JavaScript file in the application’s Resources.
In your Javascript file, right-click, open the Code Snippets, and under Custom, you will find the Neptune Connectors code snippets.
Copy your Connector’s ID from the Connector tool.
Copy and paste the Constructor code snippet and replace the connector’s ID with your connector ID, for example:
// CONSTRUCTOR - Passing id of Cockpit Connector to create new connector object const accounts = new Connector("A491FE11-DBFA-ED11-907C-000D3A654FB6");
Create an async function, paste the LIST code snippet, and set the data to your table (set the table’s Model Source to Generic Array), for example:
// LIST async function listAccounts() { let options = fields: [ { name: "flagurl" }, { name: "accountNo" }, { name: "countryCode" }, { name: "country" }, { name: "updatedAt" }, { name: "updatedBy" }, ] }; const response = await accounts.list(options); console.log(response.result); modelTable.setData(response.result); }
Paste the Pagination and Auto Column Sorting code snippet, and call the function, for example:
// PAGINATION - Enable accounts.enablePagination({ table: Table, take: 5 }); // PAGINATION - Auto Column Sorting accounts.enableColumnSorting({ column: colTablecountry, field: "country" }); accounts.enableColumnSorting({ column: colTableaccountNo, field: "accountNo" }); listAccounts();
Right-click on your table, open the Wizard and define your fields, for example:
Save, activate and run the application: