Add data records to a database table

In this topic, you learn how to add data records manually to a database table that you defined before in Table Definition.


  1. In the Cockpit, go to Tools and click Table Browser.

    Result: The Table Browser opens. You see a list of all table definitions sorted by name.

    You can hide all artifacts created by others to find your artifacts easier. To do that, change the Updated By filter to Me.

  2. Click on your table definition.

    Result: You see the properties you added to your database table.

  3. Check all rows you want to add data to and click Run.

    tablebrowser run
  4. Click Edit to activate the edit mode.

    Result: Existing data records become editable.

    You can import data from your local system instead of adding it manually. Click Import on the toolbar, select a file from your local system, and go to the last step of this task.
  5. On the toolbar, click Add to add rows to your table.

  6. Enter data to all rows, for example, a name, number, rank, and squad for each row.

  7. Click Save and Display to exit edit mode.

If you used the example data in this topic, your table looks like this:

tablebrowser sampledata


  • You have added data to the database table with Table Browser.