Shell bar
Shell bar actions and functions
The shell bar includes the following actions and functions:
- Application
Once click a drop-down opens
Open opens an application
New creates a new application
New from Template creates a new application based on a Template
New from File creates a new application by importing an application. This is a file that ends with .plantet9
Delete deletes the current application
Copy copies the current application
Export to File exports the application to a file. This is a file that ends with .planet9
Generate Version generates a version of your app. Read more at Version Management
Refresh Masterdata refreshes all masterdata. This is used to fetch all incoming updates when changes happen in other services/tools
- Display & Edit
Toggle Edit or Display mode.
- Save
Save your adaptive application.
- Activate
Save and activate your application. This saves changes and restarts the preview with all changes applied.
- Run
Run a preview of the application in a new browser tab.
- Syntax
Checks for possible syntax errors in all scripts.
- Screen views
Switch pane layout.
Toggle the view of the component library and the application tree. Display them stacked in one pane or display them in panes side by side.
Switch the preview pane with the properties pane.
Hide the properties pane.
- Toggle OpenAI Chat
Facilitates an OpenAI ChatGPT chat pane for AI assistance during coding, featuring adjustable settings for Model, Temperature, Max Tokens, and Stream. Additionally, offers an option to export the ongoing chat
Username drop-down
- Theme
Changes system’s theme
- Font Family
Applies given font
- Font Ligatures
Enables ligatures
- Font Size
Changes size of text
- Word Wrap
Edits text wrap. Changes can be seen the editor panel
- Show Folding Controls
Alter the mini-buttons that let you hide or show blocks of code
- Scroll Beyond Last Line
Increases scroll range in the editor panel
- Enable Minimap
Places a scaled down version of the current script you have open in the top right corner
- Format On Paste
Formats code when pasting
- Format On Type
Formats code while typing
- Enable Aggregation-based Object Placement
This involves organizing related objects into separate aggregations, enabling efficient management and manipulation based on object type, improving code structure and performance