Adaptive Designer

Create applications in a no-code adaptive framework with Adaptive Designer.

Provide your adaptive applications in multiple machine-translated languages using the Google Translate API.

Adaptive framework

The adaptive framework supports no-code development of adaptive applications in Adaptive Designer using adaptive templates and predefined data sources.

Predefined data sources

A table or a server script is a predefined data source that provides the data for the adaptive applications in the adaptive framework. You can publish tables and server scripts in the Connector tool to use them in Adaptive Designer. Additionally, you can import tables from Microsoft Excel.

Adaptive templates

Adaptive templates provide the configuration metadata for your adaptive applications. You can download adaptive templates in the application building block Adaptive Framework from the Neptune DXP Marketplace.

Design adaptive applications

You create, adapt, and translate your adaptive applications in Adaptive Designer representing the central tool in your adaptive framework.

Run adaptive applications

In combination, an adaptive template and a predefined data source enable the creation and output of adaptive applications. With the Launchpad tool, the adaptive applications can be integrated in a launchpad and run alongside any other applications.