Import an API definition for an external API


  • For Planet 9 files: you must have previously exported a Planet 9 file of an API definition from the API Designer of your Neptune DXP - Open Edition system for the API Designer to recognize the Planet 9 file during import.


  1. In the Cockpit, go to Connectivity and select API Designer.

  2. In the API Designer, select Add.

    Result: The API configuration dialog opens. You start in the General tab.

  3. In Type, select External.

  4. If you want to import a definition in Open API 3.0 format, select it in API format.

  5. Select Import and select an option from the drop-down menu:

    1. Select Planet 9 File to import a file from your disk.

      Result: Your local editor opens.

      1. Go to the directory of the file, select the file, and select Open.

    2. Select Open API 3.0 to import a definition in JSON or YAML.

      Result: The editor opens.

      1. Write or paste the definition into the editor.

      2. Select Import.

    3. Select SAP api to import an API from the connected API Factory of a remote system instance of the Neptune DXP - SAP Edition.

      Result: The Import API dialog opens. You can see all APIs that are available to you.

      1. Select the API that you want to import, select either JSON or YAML, and select Import.

        Result: The API Designer enters a name, operations, and definitions for the API. You can still add, change and delete settings that were made by the API Designer.

  6. Select Save.


  • You have imported an API definition for an external API.