Create a connector for a table definition

In this topic, you learn how to create a connector for a table data source.



  1. In the Cockpit, go to Connectivity and select Connector.

  2. In the Connector, select Add.

    Result: The connector settings open. You start in the General tab.

  3. Enter a meaningful Name.

  4. Assign the connector to a package of artifacts in Package.

  5. Enter a short and meaningful Description.

  6. Go to the Data Source tab.

  7. In Data Source, select Table.

  8. If you want to see a preview of the data when selecting the connector in the Adaptive Designer, activate Enable preview. (Learn how to use that in the following How to utilize the preview section)

  9. In Table Definition, select the table definition you want to use the data from.

  10. In the Documentation tab, enter information about the connector and data source.

  11. Select Save.


  • Your connector is saved with the current settings. Connector adds an ID to your connector and saves change dates.

  • Connector adds the Field Catalog tab that shows the properties imported from the table definition.

  • Your connector is now available when creating an application.

Use the preview

  1. Go to Connector.

  2. Select an API connector from the list.

  3. Toggle to edit mode.

  4. Switch to DATA SOURCE mode.

  5. Select the Enable preview option.

  6. Save it.

  7. Go to Adaptive Designer.

  8. Select the New button.

  9. Select the Connector field to show the list of connectors.

  10. Find the connector and select the preview icon.

Override Field Catalog

By selecting the toggle Override Field Catalog you can adjust the returned field catalog from a server script or a table type Connector. This is useful for hiding fields or editing the field catalog.

Fields can be moved between Input/Both/Output by dragging and dropping or by selecting the glasses button and changing the Usage property.

With Override Field Catalog, you can also change the name and description that will appear in the Adaptive Designer, as well as the field type.

You can also add new fields to the field catalog, these will take values from the chosen Original Field. This is useful for when you need the same field to be displayed in multiple places, common cases being where you need to format the same data in two different ways. This is necessary because the Adaptive Designer can only add one instance of a field catalog field to a given Input/Output section.

By deleting a field here, it will not be usable in the Adaptive Designer, and it will not be returned when the connector is called. This is useful for sensitive data.

By selecting the toggle button again, you can reset the field catalog to its original state.