Open UI5 framework

Open UI5 is the base for all UI artifacts and their functionalities.

Example: Date picker

We want users to open a calendar and select a date.

The name of the artifact is sap.m.DatePicker. In the App Designer, the default name of the artifact is oDatePicker.

On the page, the oDatePicker artifact is an input field that opens a calendar and allows the user to select a date.

Building on this example, you can add a shell, app and page as parent artifacts to the DatePicker. Now you can see the date picker inside the application.

This shell–app–page structure is the most common foundation for apps within the App Designer and represents an aggregation.


An aggregation is a parent-child relationship between two UI elements.

The shell-app–page structure is an aggregation where you can put as many child artifacts within the page as you want.

There are aggregations that do not work and cause errors. Example: Inserting a Slider component directly in a list cause an error stating that a Slider is not a valid aggregation for a list. However, a list can contain a number of children, such as a StandardListItem. This will not cause problems.
Example: IconTabBar

There is an IconTabBar artifact with three IconTabFilters, of which one contains a text component.

In this example, there is a MenuButton parent which contains a Menu artifact as child. Within that child, there are five MenuItem children artifacts, with two of them as sub-children to a parent’s MenuItem.

This produces the Menu button that reflects the same structure.

Example: Table

The table is built using sap.m.table as parent, with sap.m.Column artifacts as children alongside a ColumnListItem. It contains five Text artifacts.

You can also generate these structures automatically using wizards, such as with this table.


Many of the artifacts within the UI5 library contain events.

Example: Button

A Button artifact has a Press event. Within the event, you can write any JavaScript functionality you want. The event runs every time the button is pressed. In this example, the button sends the app to the nextPage, sets a Lists visibility property to True and shows a message on the screen.

Example: SearchField

The SearchField component has a LiveChange event. The LiveChange event is triggered everytime a change is made in the field, such as a key being pressed. In this event, we have implemented a search on a list, so each key press updates the list with the search results based on what is typed.

You can always click on the properties of the components to view information about them. Here you can see a description of each event and when it is triggered.


Binding is the ability to link data to specific parts of the UI components.


There is a list with an ObjectListItem child artifact. You can send an array of objects to the underlying data model of the list.

Within the ObjectListItem child component, you can bind properties. Here we have bound the Intro and Title properties to the Name and CustomerNumber keys of our data set.

This results in a list that automatically generates the same number of rows as there are objects in the array, with each row showing the values based on the bounded keys.

After these bindings are set up, your components will always reflect the data automatically. That means, only two objects are returned instead. You can see that the list reflects only these two rows.