Neptune DXP - Open Edition Patch 7

Download Patch here
All the changes categorized by Tool and Miscellaneous fixes:
OpenAI Chat
A privacy policy for OpenAI usage has been added. It can be viewed in the integration tab in System Settings.
OpenAI enabled status now defaults to false in the system configuration if not already present.
A message is no longer displayed when the user does not have access to OpenAI chat when opening various editors.
In path properties on API requests are now mapped in API Connectors.
Fixed values when calling an Adaptive Application using an API Connector are now mapped.
The Generate Mapping button would sometimes not have text.
Toggling display without saving changes would not reset the values in the mapping.
Use Drag&Drop to change usage was shown in situations when it did not have valid usage.
You can now enable preview for any API Connector that has a List method.
Email Template
Changes are now correctly saved if saving occurs whilst the code view is active.
Email template contents would not display in Firefox.
PDF Designer
The width property for text objects was initially removed in patch 6, which resulted in unforeseen consequences. However, in this patch, we have added the width property back.
Deleting a previously added SAP Authentication was not possible. SAP Authentication can now be deleted from System Settings > Authentication.
From LDAP configuration Filter User > Unique Identifier was missing in list of attributes returned from LDAP server upon user login.
Map LDAP UserID to Planet9 Username.