Set up Firebase

In this topic, you learn how to set up Firebase and create an API key to be used in Neptune DXP - Open Edition.



  1. Select Add project in the console of your Firebase account.

  2. Enter a Name for the project and select Create project.

  3. Select Project settings in your project.

  4. Go to Cloud Messaging.

    Result: You see the keys that you need for later use in Neptune DXP - Open Edition.

    Server key

    Is equivalent to "Private Key" in Neptune DXP - Open Edition.

    Sender id

    Is equivalent to "Message Sender" ID in Neptune DXP - Open Edition.

    Web API key

    Is equivalent to "Public API key" in Neptune DXP - Open Edition.


  • You have set up Firebase and have access to keys that you can use in Neptune DXP - Open Edition.